
July 2000: Founding of company APF-Lupa

After more than 20 years during which Harald Lupa worked in the spring manufactoring sector, and wherehe learned and gathered experience, he took the bold step of going into business for himself to use his innovative capabilities.

April 2001: Removal to Tennenbronn

After a year working in the basement of his own home, he found small premises in Tennenbronn for his newly founded business.

May 2002: Expansion of business premises

Just on year later, with a burgeoning oder book and through a great deal of personal application, he was able to rent the adjacent premises.

August 2005: Start of construction work in Hardt

With the order book continuing to grow along with investments in new production machines, the need for space also increased. Consequently, just three years after expanding the premises, it was decided to construct a tailor-made new building in the industrial area of Hardt, near Schramberg.

April 2006: Moved into the new production building

After a build time of just eight months, the growing business finally moved into its new production building, with about 400 square metres of office and production floor area.

May 2007: Certification to DIN EN ISO 9001

September 2008: Sandra Lupa joins her father's company

January 2009: Forming of a Private Limited Company, LUPA Präzisionsfedern GmbH

July 2010: 10-year Company Anniversary

September 2011: Expansion of production facilities by a further 120 square metres

Continuously rising order volumes required yet another expansion of the business premises. The manufacturing operation acquired a further 120 square metres through construction of an annex.

July 2013: Son-in-law Markus Mendel joins the family business

October 2014: Another extension of premises

To assure more effective production, the manufacturing operation and storage facility were extended to a new total area of 700 square metres.

November 2015: Investment in custom-designed cleaning facility

March 2016: Expansion to 20 production machines

January 2017: Markus Mendel is granted senior signing authority for the company

August 2020: An investment in the future

Start of construction of our new production building with around 2,000 sqm of production and office space.


December 2021: Move to our new production building

After more than one year of construction, the new production building was occupied.

January 2022: Markus Mendel joins the Management Board

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